Friday, May 25, 2007
Reid warning to judges over control orders
His warning to the courts followed his acute embarrassment yesterday when he had to confirm to MPs that three terror suspects whom he had placed under control orders to prevent them travelling to Iraq to kill British and US troops had all absconded on Monday night.
Source: Guardian UK
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Bush makes power grab
The "National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive," with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive, establishes under the office of president a new National Continuity Coordinator.
That job, as the document describes, is to make plans for "National Essential Functions" of all federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations to continue functioning under the president's directives in the event of a national emergency.
The directive loosely defines "catastrophic emergency" as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions."
When the president determines a catastrophic emergency has occurred, the president can take over all government functions and direct all private sector activities to ensure we will emerge from the emergency with an "enduring constitutional government."
Translated into layman's terms, when the president determines a national emergency has occurred, the president can declare to the office of the presidency powers usually assumed by dictators to direct any and all government and business activities until the emergency is declared over.
Ironically, the directive sees no contradiction in the assumption of dictatorial powers by the president with the goal of maintaining constitutional continuity through an emergency.
Source: WorldNetDaily
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Bid to put off info time-wasters
UK Information Commissioner Richard Thomas will say the act's reputation is being jeopardised by such inquiries.
He cites a request to the Foreign Office on the amount spent on Ferrero Rocher chocolate and one on eligible bachelors in the Hampshire police.
But he will stress that the act "reinforces good government" and should not be fought over.
More than 100,000 public bodies, including government departments, councils, the NHS, and universities, have been subject to potential FoI requests since 2005.
Preventing requests
In a keynote speech, the commissioner will say FoI should not be regarded as a threat even when it reveals information that is "embarrassing" or "uncomfortable".
He will urge public bodies them to adopt a positive approach to openness.
"After nearly two-and-a-half years FoI is delivering real benefits," Mr Thomas will say.
"There is a presumption of disclosure, unless there is a genuine reason to withhold information."
The commissioner is due to outline new guidelines, highlighting the right of public bodies to reject "vexatious" requests.
Some have been bombarded with inquires - the BBC, for example, has received more than 90 from one individual about the amount of expenses paid to senior staff.
"A charter for responsible FoI requests will help to prevent requests which have no serious purpose or value, impose disproportionate burdens or have the effect of harassing the public body," Mr Thomas will say.
The suggestion, however, is likely to prompt criticism from those already concerned at attempts by some MPs to restrict the scope of the act.
Source: BBC News
Editor Notes:
So it looks like the UK Government wants to limited what information is given out, One thing I want to know is what was "pointless and mischievous" request. There has been no examples, I do know that people are questioning the 7/7 Incident, could it be this? Which I don't think is "pointless and mischievous"
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Israel Launches Air Strikes on Gaza Amid New Truce Effort
Israeli aircraft attacked targets of the Islamic militant group Hamas across Gaza including suspected weapons factories and warehouses and other facilities. Now in its second week, the air campaign is aimed at halting Palestinian rocket attacks. More than 150 rockets have fallen on Israel over the past week, leaving the border community of Sderot a virtual ghost town.
The rockets keep falling despite the air strikes, but Israeli spokeswoman Miri Eisen says a major ground assault on Gaza is not on the table.
"The military themselves are very clear on the fact that even a full-scale invasion would not necessarily stop all of the rocket attacks," said Eisen.
Source: VOA News
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ABC News: Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran
The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the subject, say President Bush has signed a "nonlethal presidential finding" that puts into motion a CIA plan that reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran's currency and international financial transactions.
Source: ABCNEWS Blog
To Read the full story, please click on the source
CNN news - Does the jihadists serve really the cause of their country?
An Interesting News Report from CNN
Faith United - A Lesson For Us All...
This is an old video from last year On 7/26/2006, Ahmed Bedier along with other CAIR reps meet Orthodox Jewish Rabbis participating in Rally outside the Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. to call for an immediate Cease Fire. The Rabbis described the Israeli aggression as illegal. One Rabbi aske the world not blame the great religion of Judaism for the actions of the Israeli government.
The last bit is crucial, Judaism is NOT to blame, the Zionist Israeli Government is!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Russia shields spy murder suspect
The government began formal proceedings for Andrei Lugovoi to be extradited after the Crown Prosecution Service said there was enough evidence for him to face trial in the UK for the poisoning of Litvinenko in a London hotel in November.
A spokesman for Tony Blair, the prime minister, said the UK would “not in any way shy away’’ from trying to ensure justice prevailed. “Murder is murder; this is a very serious case,” he said.
Mr Lugovoi said he was innocent of murder and the decision to charge him was politically motivated, according to the Russian news agency RIA-Novosti.
To read the full story, please click on the source
"Israels Next War" - Jewish Settler Attitudes
The documentary is damage control for Israel. The settlers have run amok for years unfettered by the State. With the average non jew now cottoning on that the biggest thug on the block is Israel, they are having to "trim their sails".
We see here the end result of the ideological base that bonds all jews together...the racist and biggotted holy books called the Talmud and Zohar/Kabbahla.
In these books only the jew is a human being. All non jews are animals.
Whether a rabid right wing religious jew or a rabid secular Zionist with Left wing leanings, the base of operations remains the same...Israel must fulfill it's destiny no matter how many Arabs die or are made homeless.
When Arabs fight back it is "terrorism".
When radical jews commit is unfortunate.
Please visit and purchase quality books and multi media from Michael Hoffmans website...
Pilotless police drone takes off
Merseyside police are using the "spy drone", fitted with CCTV cameras, mainly for tackling anti-social behaviour and public disorder.
The machine is 1m wide, weighs less than a bag of sugar, and can record images from a height of 500m.
Originally used by the military, it is due to be operational by June for a full three-month trial, which is the "first of its kind" in the UK.
The drone will also be used for monitoring traffic congestion and investigations are to be made into its possible role in firearms operations.
The machines, which are flown by remote control or using pre-programmed GPS navigation systems, are silent and can be fitted with night-vision cameras.
The images they record are sent back to a police support vehicle or control room.
Source: BBC News
To read the full story, please click on the source
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Global net censorship 'growing'
The study of thousands of websites across 120 Internet Service Providers found 25 of 41 countries surveyed showed evidence of content filtering.
Websites and services such as Skype and Google Maps were blocked, it said.
Such "state-mandated net filtering" was only being carried out in "a couple" of states in 2002, one researcher said.
"In five years we have gone from a couple of states doing state-mandated net filtering to 25," said John Palfrey, at Harvard Law School.
Source: BBC News
To read the full story, please click on the source
Police chief slams 'Orwellian' CCTV
Ian Readhead, Deputy Chief Constable of Hampshire Police, said he did not want to live in a country with surveillance on every street corner.
He questioned whether the expansion was justified in areas where there were relatively-low crime levels.
The Hampshire force area includes the small town of Stockbridge, where parish councillors have spent £10,000 installing CCTV.
"I'm really concerned about what happens to the product of these cameras, and what comes next," he told BBC One's Politics Show.
"If it's in our villages, are we really moving towards an Orwellian situation where cameras are at every street corner? And I really don't think that's the kind of country that I want to live in."
Mr Readhead also called for the use of speed cameras to be reviewed, and more consideration of why DNA was kept.
There are an estimated 4.2 million CCTV cameras in the UK - one for every 14 people.
Information Commissioner Richard Thomas has raised concerns about Britain "sleepwalking into a surveillance society", with more cameras on the street and extensive monitoring of consumer behaviour.
However, supporters say CCTV is a crucial tool in deterring crime and catching criminals, and the innocent have nothing to fear.
Source: Guardian UK
Friday, May 18, 2007
Senators Want CIA to Release 9/11 Report
The CIA has spent more than 20 months weighing requests under the Freedom of Information Act for its internal investigation of the attacks but has yet to release any portion of it.
The agency is the only federal office involved in counterterrorism operations that has not made at least a version of its internal 9/11 investigation public.
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and two other intelligence committee leaders - chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., and senior Republican Kit Bond of Missouri - are pushing legislation that would require the agency to declassify the executive summary of the review within one month and submit a report to Congress explaining why any material was withheld.
The provision has been approved by the Senate twice, but never made into law.
In an interview, Wyden said he is also considering whether to link the report's release to his acceptance of President Bush's nominations for national security positions.
``It's amazing the efforts the administration is going to stonewall this,'' Wyden said. ``The American people have a right to know what the Central Intelligence Agency was doing in those critical months before 9/11.... I am going to bulldog this until the public gets it.''
Source: Guardian
To read the full story, please click on the source
Thursday, May 17, 2007
US says Israel has right to defend against Hamas
Source: Reuters
It looks like the US just stands by while innocent people are being killed
Israel launches Gaza air strikes
A Hamas commander died in an attack on a car and another militant was killed in a housing unit, both in Gaza City.
A raid on a Hamas office also killed one person and injured at least 45.
The attacks came as efforts to end five days of fighting between rivals Hamas and Fatah again appeared to fail. At least 40 people have now died.
Correspondents say the rocket attacks into Israel appear to be an attempt to draw it into an internal Palestinian conflict.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who leads Fatah, on Thursday suddenly called off a trip to Gaza that had been billed as an effort to shore up the fourth Hamas-Fatah ceasefire in five days.
Officials said he might now travel from Ramallah in the West Bank on Friday.
The BBC's Magdi Abdelhadi says control of the security forces appears to have been the trigger for the latest factional fighting but that it has now developed a momentum of its own.
Armed supporters on the ground may no longer be paying attention to orders from their political leadership, he adds.
On Thursday, US President George W Bush said both he and visiting UK Prime Minister Tony Blair were urging all parties to work for peace.
Source: BBC News
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Israel Soldiers Hurt In Secret Anthrax Experiment
Dozens of Israeli soldiers are today suffering from a wide range of illnesses, some incurable, after participating in a secret experiment to develop an anthrax vaccine.
Israel's Channel 2 News reported that the soldiers have developed skin tumors, severe lung infections, serious migraine headaches, bronchitis and even epilepsy.
Some 800 Israeli soldiers from have participated in the program since 1999. They were sworn to secrecy, and forbidden to tell even their families about the program even after they began displaying serious medical symptoms.
The investigative reporter behind the expose charged that Israel's Defense Ministry has so far refused to take responsibility for the medical care of the soldiers in an effort to maintain the program's secrecy.
Syria, which some military experts fear may soon engage Israel in a war involving heavy use of long-range ballistic missiles, is believed to have a large stockpile of anthrax.
Source: AHN Media Group
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Al Fayed wants Queen quizzed over Diana's death
They called for the monarch to be "directly approached" over an infamous conversation she allegedly had with the former royal butler, Paul Burrell, in which she warned him of unknown "powers" at work in this country.
Mr Burrell, who previously worked for the princess, made the claim after the collapse of his Old Bailey trial for theft.
Source: Guardian UKTo read the full story, please click on the source
Reid to expand use of Taser stun guns
Home Secretary John Reid is due to tell the Police Federation's annual conference in Blackpool that he wants to see more frontline police officers carrying the 50,000 volt devices.
The guns, which temporarily disable a suspect, can only be used by firearms officers at the moment, but Reid wants to extend the use to non-firearms officers working in specially trained units.
Currently, officers can only use the guns when confronted by an armed person, but under the plans, officers will also be able to use them if they face violence or threats, the BBC reported.
Taser guns have been used in 619 incidents since their introduction in the UK four years ago, a Home Office spokeswoman said.
The plans have angered human rights groups who say Tasers have been linked to dozens of deaths in America and Canada.
The Home Office said no deaths have been linked to their use in Britain.
An independent medical panel is carrying out research on whether the guns, which fire two barbed darts trailing electric wires, can cause serious injury.
If the plans get the go-ahead, trials could begin from September.
Source: Reuters UK
Lawyer for bomber's widow condemns police
Last night Scotland Yard confirmed three people arrested in connection with the July 7 bombings had been released without charge.
Those released include Hasina Patel, 29, the widow of London bombings ringleader Mohammed Sidique Khan.
Ms Patel's solicitor, Imran Khan, said he was relieved his client had been released, but shocked at the way she had been treated.
He said police had destroyed relations with the Muslim community in the way they had behaved towards the widow of Mohammed Sidique Khan.
A fourth man aged 34, Khalid Khaliq, remains in custody after police were granted a warrant to detain him for further questioning until May 21.
The two men released are Ms Patel's brother Arshad and Imran Motala.
The four were arrested in a series of anti-terror raids last Wednesday, during which properties in West Yorkshire and the West Midlands were searched.
All four, held on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism, were taken to the high-security Paddington Green police station in London for questioning.
Mr Khan told BBC News 24: "I'm relieved that she's out after her ordeal and shocked that the police only revealed at the last minute information which they had in their possession before Hasina was arrested which shows she had no idea, not an inkling of what Mohammed Sidique Khan was going to do."
While Mr Khan said he was not at liberty to reveal what that information was, he said it showed "clearly and unequivocally" that she knew nothing of what Sidique Khan was planning.
Source: The Independent
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Fox News Hannity and Colmes double-teamed Ron Paul
After the show, Hannity and Colmes double-teamed Paul in an attempt to discredit him in the eyes of both liberals and conservatives, with Colmes going after him on abortion and Hannity chomping at the bit to smear the Texas Congressman as weak on terrorism.
Here is the video:
Police release 7/7 bomber's widow
Hasina Patel, 29, brother Arshad Patel, 30, and Imran Motala, 22, were held on 9 May in West Yorkshire and Birmingham.
Police have been granted a warrant to continue to detain Khalid Khaliq, 34, of Beeston, Leeds, until next Monday.
The four had been held in London on suspicion of commissioning, preparing or instigating acts of terrorism.
Last week's arrests followed an intelligence-led operation involving Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism command.
Police searched seven addresses in Dewsbury, Batley and Beeston, all in West Yorkshire, and Birmingham.
A spokesman for Scotland Yard said: "In all operations some people may be released early without charge while others may remain in custody for further investigation.
"This is not unusual and is to be expected in large and complex criminal investigations."
Source: BBC News
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Israel Jerusalem policy condemned
A leaked ICRC report says Israeli policy has far-reaching humanitarian consequences for Palestinians living under occupation in East Jerusalem.
Israel captured East Jerusalem in 1967, and the territory is regarded as occupied land under international law.
But Israel rejects this, and says the report's premise is, therefore, wrong.
The report says Israel shows "general disregard" for its obligations under international humanitarian law and the law of military occupation in particular.
Violations that change the status of East Jerusalem include the West Bank barrier, an outer ring of Jewish settlements around the city and roads to connect Israeli districts and settlements, the report says.
An ICRC spokesman confirmed that leaked quotations in a US newspaper were from a confidential report transmitted in February 2007 to Israel and some other governments.
Source: BBC News
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Investigating Scientology
BBC News Item
Past issues on Scientology issues, Tom Cruise and South Park
South Part Portion with what Scientology believe in
Keith Olbermann MSNBC news coverage
Palestine - Civil War?
Palestinian leaders were expected to renew their appeals for calm in speeches marking the annual "Naqba", or what Palestinians describe as the tragedy that befell them when Israel became a state in 1948.
No deaths were reported in the morning in the on-going fight for supremacy between power-sharing partners Hamas and Fatah. Ten people have been killed since a new round of violence, threatening their coalition government, erupted on Friday.
Masked gunmen ruled Gaza. Residents who risked leaving home darted across streets, shoulders hunched, to the crackle of volleys from automatic weapons.
Source: Reuters UK
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Today a Terrorist Talks in London
Today there will be a celebration of 40 years of Occupation of Jerusalem, with the guest speaker Moshe Arens who left America as a young man to join the Zionist terror group the Irgun (see 1st source) which carried out terrorist attacks against Arab civilians and the British authorities in Palestine. Its most infamous attack was the King David Hotel Bombing which killed 91 people. After the Nakba the Irgun terrorists joined the 'Israeli Defence Force' and Moshe Arens went on to hold top posts in the Israeli government, including Minister of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Ambassador to the United States. And tonight he is speaking to assembled guests in North London, to celebrate the dispossession and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians of Jerusalem.

Yet all mainstream media are not showing this event. The question you have to ask is why?
Monday, May 14, 2007
EU boycotts 'provocative' Israeli anniversary party
Ambassadors from European Union states are to boycott celebrations of the 40th anniversary of Israel's conquest of Arab East Jerusalem this week - in the opening shot of what promises to be a challenging summer for Israeli diplomacy.
The United States ambassador, Richard Jones, is also expected to join the Europeans in snubbing the celebrations .
What Israelis commemorate as the "reunification" of their historic Jewish capital is seen by most of the international community, not to mention the Palestinians, as a unilateral attempt to pre-empt a key issue in any peaceful solution. One-third of the city's 725,000 residents are Palestinians, who have opted to reject offers of Israeli citizenship. Along with most other countries, the Europeans keep their embassies in Tel Aviv.
Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestinian parliament, yesterday welcomed the European boycott as a blow for international law and peace. "The Israelis," she said, "cannot get away with creating facts on the ground and then forcing everybody to fall in line".
Foreign diplomats are likely to be equally wary of celebrating the anniversary of the 1967 June war. Most Israelis cherish it as a glorious victory, but left-wing demonstrators reminded them last week that it heralded 40 years of occupation of Palestinian and Syrian lands.
On the Europeans' behalf, Germany, which holds the rotating presidency of the 27-member union, rejected invitations to a Jerusalem Day event at Israel's parliament on Wednesday.
A spokesman for the European Commission said: "... we do not recognise the Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem. We believe that the future of Jerusalem should be settled by negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians".
The British embassy confirmed that Tom Phillips, the ambassador, would not attend the event. "We think it is not appropriate," a spokeswoman explained, "because Jerusalem is one of the unsettled final-status issues."
The Israeli reaction was calculatedly low-key. It is not spoiling for a fight over Jerusalem at this stage. Mark Regev, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, said: "We are disappointed and unhappy that not all governments will be sending representatives."
He reiterated Israel's long-standing policy: "We have agreed that the issue of Jerusalem is part of final-status talks. We will bring our position to the table. The Palestinians will bring [theirs]. But our position is that Jerusalem will remain the united capital of the Jewish state."
The Israeli cabinet, which met yesterday in the Menachem Begin Heritage Centre overlooking the Old City, approved a 5.75 billion-shekel (£7m) package designed to strengthen Israel's hold on Jerusalem over the next five years. It includes tax relief for charities, hospitals and educational institutions; and transferring more government offices to the city.
Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister, said the measures would "advance and encourage Jerusalem". But Mohammed Baradeh, an Arab member of the Israeli parliament, protested: "Holding the government meeting across from the walls of the Old City, celebrating the occupation, is a provocation. There will be no peace without two capital cities in Jerusalem."
Source: The Independent UK
Israelis confess to killing Palestinian-police
Source: Reuters
Rice rejects 'new Cold War' talk
Ms Rice said "I think the parallels just frankly have no basis whatsoever", while acknowledging that "it's not an easy time" for Russian-US relations.
The Kremlin has expressed strong opposition to US plans to deploy a missile defence shield in Europe.
Washington's backing for Kosovo's independence has also been attacked.
Source: BBC News
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How Much Power does the state of Israel have over the free world
Does The Israel Lobby Stifle Free Speech? - BBC chatback
China launches Nigerian satellite
The official Xinhua news agency says it is the first time that a foreign buyer has purchased both a Chinese satellite and its launching service.
The Nigerian Communication Satellite NIGCOMSAT-1 is expected to offer broadcasting, telecommunications and broadband internet services for Africa.
Source: BBC News
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Friday, May 11, 2007
"Smart cameras" to tackle abandoned luggage alarms
One of the commonest headaches facing security staff may soon be remedied with the help of "intelligent security cameras" developed by European scientists.
A newly concluded research project relies on formulae known as algorithms to enable computers to analyze video images and spot potential threats, from abandoned baggage to people loitering suspiciously.
"It's (about) developing solutions so that computers can detect abnormal behavior," said project coordinator Jean-Marc Suchier of French group Sagem Defense Securite, a unit of Safran.
For security staff at airports or railway stations, often monitoring images from dozens of surveillance cameras at once, the new technology offers the promise of picking out dangers that might otherwise be missed.
"The idea is to automatically analyze and intelligently filter all of that video, but also to add a next level of intelligence," said James Ferryman, a specialist in 'computational vision' at the University of Reading in England.
"We're talking about smart cameras which go to the next level of proactive detection."
Source: Reuters
To read the full story please click on the source
Edit: Added by Peter
Make up your own minds by what is mentioned by intelligently filter?
Rumsfeld Keeps Ghastly 9/11 Souvenirs

The Justice Department investigation that criticized FBI agents for taking souvenirs from the World Trade Center site also found that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and a high-ranking FBI official kept items from the Sept. 11 attack scenes.
To read the full story, please click on the following link: TruthEra
I was very surprised to read the following, I do find this disrespectful to the victims of 9-11.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
ID card costs rise above £5bn
The figures were released as Tony Blair announced his departure, leading to claims from the opposition that the government was "burying bad news".
The Tories and Lib Dems also claimed that the Home Office broke the law by releasing the updated figures a month later than they should have.
The Home Office put the £400m increased costs down to extra staff carrying out vetting and extra anti-fraud measures.
To read the full story, please click here: BBC News
Blair names the day he'll step down: June 27

After months of coy hints and fevered speculation, Prime Minister Tony Blair announced on Thursday that he would leave office on June 27 after a decade in power in which he sacrificed his popularity to the war in Iraq and struggled at home to improve schools, policing and hospitals.
With stirring oratory cast as a personal testament, he declared: "I ask you to accept one thing. Hand on heart I did what I thought was right. I may have been wrong. That's your call.
"But believe one thing: I did what I thought was right for our country.
"I have been prime minister of the country for just over 10 years," he said. "In this job, in the world today, I think that is long enough for me, but more especially for the country.
"Sometimes the only way you conquer the pull of power is to set it down.To read the full article, please click here
Hamas TV slips kids Mickey to teach hate - Investigation
I have thought to investigate who this company MEMRITV.ORG is. Before you believe everything a newspaper tells you, try searching on the company that provided that bit of video - Memri:,7792,773258,00.html
Actually, I will quote some bits:
Quote: |
The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon. Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin. |
Quote: |
Others, however, see a darker side to MEMRI's work, arguing that the organization "cherry picks" the items it decides to translate, revealing a clear pro-Israel, neoconservative-inclined bias. A case in point came in mid-June 2006, when discussions over the fate of Iran's nuclear program were reaching fever pitch in Washington. MEMRI held an event on Capitol Hill titled "Must See Iran TV II." The event, cosponsored by then-Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN), was aimed at raising congressional awareness of Iran's threatening posture toward the United States and its allies in the Middle East. The MEMRI presentation included translated clips from Iranian television that highlighted "themes associated with Iran's nuclear aspirations, its acquisition of offensive weapons, anti-Americanism, and statements by leading Iranian government officials, including President [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad," according to an article in the New York Sun written by MEMRI Executive Director Steven Stalinsky (June 14, 2006). |
Taken from, Upstart Activist educates about Israel. We develop and deliver unique media-rich presentations, effective leadership training seminars and creative educational resources that draw upon deep knowledge of Israel and decades of proven activist experience in N. America.
Quote: |
Find organizations like Camera, Media Watch, Memri, Israel Foreign Ministry, ADL that can help in yourstruggle to expose anti Israel biases. They are usually ready to assist with some pretty potent ideas and information |
Quote: |
How MEMRI presents itself [From the MEMRI website:] The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region's media. MEMRI bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East. Founded in February 1998 to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East, MEMRI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501 (c)3 organization. The truth about MEMRI MEMRI is a main arm of Israeli propaganda. Although widely used in the mainstream media as a source of information on the Arab world, it is as trustworthy as Julius Streicher's Der Sturmer was on the Jewish world. The evidence MEMRI recently posted what it alleged was an interview I did with Lebanese television on the Nazi holocaust. The MEMRI posting was designed to prove that I was a Holocaust denier. Below I juxtapose the MEMRI version of my interview (both the actual broadcast version as well as the transcript it prepared) against what I actually said in the interview. |
There are loads more, but the simple fact is the MEMRI distorts/mistranslates the language spoken and reedits them.
FOX News Tries To Link John Kerry To 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists
FOX News tried to paint Senator John Kerry as a 9/11 conspiracy theorist last night (5/9/07). Based on a brief statement Kerry made about the controlled demolition of a wall at one of the World Trade Center buildings, FOX tried to make the case that the 9/11 conspiracy theorists had bonded with him. With video.
At the beginning of the show, a chyron read, “The crazies love him” as Sean Hannity announced the upcoming Kerry segment.
To read the full story on News Hounds, please click here
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Blair denies MI5 failures and rejects call for 7/7 inquiry

Tony Blair today ruled out demands for a new inquiry into the July 7 bombings, denying claims that MI5 overlooked crucial evidence which could have prevented the attacks
In the Commons, the Prime Minister said a fresh inquiry would be a "mistake" and would undermine support for the security services in the fight against terrorism.
His comments came amid reports that MI5 did not show surveillance photographs of the bombers' ringleader Mohammed Sidique Khan to the original inquiry by the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC).
The BBC reported that although MI5 had six photographs of Khan taken during the investigation of another terror plot, only one was shown to the ISC.
To read the full story, please click here