Monday, September 11, 2006

U.S. foes gather in Cuba as non-aligned summit begins

I had found this news article which I found surprising:

The world's developing nations need to band together to promote balance in an unjust world, Cuba's foreign minister said Monday in opening a week-long summit of non-aligned nations in Havana.

Felipe Perez Roque said current global and political problems highlight the need for unity in the movement, originally developed during the Cold War.

"Today we can affirm … that the movement is more necessary than ever," Perez Roque said in Havana, which is hosting the summit of the Non-aligned Movement (NAM), a 116-member organization made up of mostly developing countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America.


The countries in the NAM, which has almost as many members as the United Nations, account for more than half of the world's population.
To read more on this story see: Full Story on CBC News

If this was setup, this would strike a blow to US and EU, another form of power coming from countries which President Bush labelled the 'axis of evil'.

Such questions I ask myself are:

  • Would such a bold move lead us into a third world war?
  • Would the reign of America over the free world loosen up a bit
  • Would Oil from Saudi Arabia be compromised?
  • Would US be involved in False Flag opertion?

One can only pray things do not go even worse then they are already are.

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