Thursday, September 14, 2006

Who Suffers - Gazans go unpaid, and children go hungry

Just as the titles say, who suffers when Palestinian Authority funds have been cut off by Israel, the United States and the European Union after Hamas won the legislative elections on Jan. 25. All that happens is the citizens are going hungry.

For the last week, Zidan Abu Reziq has been sleeping outside, next to his plantings on a small square of sand he expropriated.

The Abu Reziqs, like many of the large, destitute refugee families in this shrapneled, tumbledown slum, need to plant to eat. They took the land and planted it with vegetables, an investment of about $50, most of the money that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency gave them to buy school uniforms for the children.

Source: International Herald Tribune
Click on the source to read the full story.

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